Haron and Biko – fallen heroes who died in September

Two dates in September are hard for me to forget – 12 and 27 September. On 12 September 1977, 42 years ago, Steve Bantu Biko was murdered in police custody. He was 30 years old. On the 27 September 1969, 50 years ago, Imam Abdullah Haron, at age 45, faced the same fate. Both deaths […]
Address by Charlotte Maxeke at the Conference of European and Bantu Christian Students Association

Address took place at Fort Hare, June 27 – July 3, 1930 (Extract published in Christian students and Modern South Africa) “Social Conditions Among Bantu Women and Girls.” In speaking of Bantu women in urban areas, the first thing to be considered is the home, around which and in which the whole activity of family […]