The Importance of Strengthening Systems and Institutions
South African institutions are limping. Nobody will dispute that the country faces huge challenges. Covid-19 has laid bare the fault lines in our society. The provision of jobs and the creation of a fair social system will not be possible if institutions are not functioning fully. The recent fire at parliament raises many questions about […]
Book Review: Understanding Sharia

Understanding Sharia Islamic Law in a Globalised World Raficq S. Abdullah and Mohamed M. Keshavjee Book Review by Zubeida Jaffer Post 9/11, Sharia or Islamic law has peppered global discourses like never before in modern times. Negative statements about Sharia have hogged newspaper headlines leaving the public with little room but to conclude that […]
World Press Freedom Day 2019

May 3rd is World Press Freedom Day. It gives us an opportunity to assess the progress of our profession annually.

Fifty years ago, in 1969, seven men were killed in detention for their political beliefs. The family of the seventh man is about to launch a campaign to bring attention to these freedom fighters known by few South Africans. The seventh man, the last to die in 1969, Imam Abdullah Haron, then editor of Muslim […]
Some thoughts before budget day

Zubeida Jaffer European debt woes risk evolving into a full-blown financial and economic crisis. When the United States sneezed in 2008, we were not fully inoculated and lost over a million jobs.. Europe is coughing but so far they have contained their sneezing. If they do start sneezing, will we catch a light cold or […]