The AstraZeneca vaccine and our ongoing uncertainty problem

This is far from the first time that the AstraZeneca vaccine—and media reporting about it—has caused confusion.
Tiny ripples can lead to tsunamis of change

By Ashley Forbes Death seems everywhere, as does suffering and despair. I recently visited an old comrade, a respected activist who feels isolated and severely depressed, grieves the loss of family and close friends who due to COVID19 have recently passed, and like many I know, is driven to despair, even to the point of […]
Covid 19: This too shall pass says Wynberg’s former Robben Island Prisoner Ashley Forbes

I watched as the virus spread from China in December 2019, to the Western world in January/February 2020, to our shores with the first confirmed cases of Covid-19 in KwaZulu-Natal on 5 March 2020, the unprecedented declaration of a State of Disaster by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 15 March 2020 and the “hard lockdown” on 27 March 2020.
New York Life in the Time of Coronavirus, a Kenyan memoir

By George Orwel* Imagine that you died and after many years of being away you are allowed a single glance earthward. You are so moved that you cannot help sobbing. That is what I am feeling right now when I think of Kenya, the country of my birth, and that is because of how I […]
COVID-19 SA Resource Portal

Zubeida Jaffer Update Portal Covid-19